
To help advance the Kingdom of God on earth and by the power of the Holy Spirit, we actively encourage and support local and global missions; short term mission trips; and career and short-term missionaries.


Our current missionaries:


Jonas and Lisa Sanz are currently working with Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU) and Jesus Film Project to create audiovisual materials for evangelism around the world. They currently reside in Texas.

Contact Jonas and Lisa

Jennifer Schroeder is serving in Romania with Heart 2 Heart International (H2H). She serves as the director and works to meet the needs of the orphans and share the love of Christ with the children and young people of Romania.

Contact Jen

Erin Heizelman is serving remotely with Operation Mobilization (OM) in Austria as a graphic designer and project manager. She currently resides in Kansas.

Contact Erin

Bob and Chris Davis currently live in the state of Washington and serve with Multiply and ICOMB.

Contact Bob and Chris

Sandy Fender is serving remotely with Multiply in Thailand. She currently resides in Minnesota.

Contact Sandy

Drew and Allie Pankratz are working with The Greenhouse Community Church plant in Saratoga Springs, UT.

Contact Drew and Allie

Bob and Kel Pankratz are serving with Morning Star Ranch in Kansas. 

Contact Bob and Kel


A. B. in West Africa.

Contact Anisa


K. & D. in West Africa.


In support of our missionaries:


The church provides multiple scholarships each year in support of short term missions to assist in sending members of our congregation on trips to share the love of Christ.  Scholarships are available and can be applied for through the Missions and Evangelism Team.


"The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."

Luke 10:2